Despite the numerous occasions where Trump’s misstatements, mistruths and mistakes that left supporters unfazed, his balloon may have finally burst. Thursday’s Republican debate could well herald the beginning of the end for the Trump candidacy. Those who watched the debate witnessed a different play from previous debates and the difference was an anathema to Trump’s veneer. Contrary to previous debates, where Trump declared himself the clear winner, he was content to simply call the debate “elegant.” Whether by necessity or choice, Trump’s more constrained demeanor made several facts evident.
Let me start with the premise that underlies much of Trump’s unraveling: He will always choose the expedient over the good. Using this moral compass, we can clearly chart the positions that make him repugnant as a Presidential candidate.
First, Trump is a panderer. Under the guise of eschewing “political correctness” his racist, xenophobic and dare I say fascist harangues were evident in his blanket denunciations of Islam, his failure to condemn the Tiananmen Square massacre and his embrace of Putin’s expansionism as “strong leadership.”
Simplistic Worldview
Second, his worldview is either pure naiveté or unchecked American exceptionalism coupled with unbridled power. One could be more forgiving of the former if it stems from his lack of historical understanding or his ignorance of the nuances of diplomacy. One should be more frightened of the latter because of his views on torture and targeting of civilians and changing laws to allow such practices if we can gain an advantage from it.
Corruption Insider
Third, he cites his own understanding of, and participation in, the corrupt political system as the best qualification for reforming it. It reminds me of the shill who proudly announces he was so poor his electricity was shut off nine times before he developed a system to make you rich in the stock market. Noticeably missing in the Trump narrative is his “road to Damascus” moment.
Generalities over Specifics
Fourth, given more time and fewer candidates on the debate stage, his lack of specificity is becoming even more glaring. His primary plans to reform the Veterans Administration, Social Security and the military is to cut waste.
His best and most specific solutions to problems remain only adjectives.
Only Polls He Agrees With
Fifth, he often cites polls, but misrepresents them. When polls favor him, they are “respectable.” When they show his vulnerability, they are “trash.” He commented last night that “many, many” polls show him beating Clinton in a general election. That’s “Trumpnnel vision.” Here’s reality: In a compilation of polls since November of 2015, NBC News’ Carrie Dann underlined the point that Trump wins in such a matchup only three times.
Turning to the other candidates, Kasich continues to sound the most reasonable, Cruz now claims for himself the title of the “most electable” and Rubio, although he improved his performance tremendously from the last debate, remains a science denier.
As the competition narrows, Trump’s support will erode (among those other than his staunch supporters) and we may finally see the electorate regain some semblance of reasoning in their choice. The biggest problem for the Republican Party will be how many down ballot balloons he will burst along the way.
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